Thursday, September 22, 2011

Welcome, Jackson and Parker!!

On September 20th, 2011, at 7:28pm, and 7:35pm, Tom, myself, and a handful of labor and delivery staff here at Good Sam in Corvallis, welcomed Parker Alan Habelt, 6lbs 7oz 19", and Jackson Alan Habelt, 5lbs 10oz, 18 1/2" into the world.

This was a very trying pregnancy all together. Many many trips to the hospital for pre-term labor, a 9 day stay down in Eugene for that very reason. And many many false alarms and plenty of discomfort. All of that was so worth it when I saw my sweet baby boys for the first time.

I came into the hospital on the 20th originally because I was having a lot of cramping that morning. They had told me to go ahead and come in. Ten minutes before Tom, the children and myself left the house, I starting having contractions. They were 5 minutes apart the whole way to Corvallis, and continued till we got to the hospital, increasing in pain the entire time. When I got here, they checked my cervix, and I was still only 4cm. (which I had been for the past 4 weeks) I was a little disappointed, but since I was contracting regularly, and they were very painful, they said they would come back in a few hours to check me again. When the midwife had returned, she proceeded to check my cervix. To my surprise, (and everybody else's) I had dilated to an incredible 6 1/2-7cm, and was 90% effaced!! I could not believe it! Our next step was to then get me an epidural, wait for it to kick in, then break my water.

I had been slowly dilating after they broke my water; about 2 hours between each time they checked me.  First I was 8, then about 9.  I stayed at 9cm for hours.  I had a little piece of my cervix that just would not budge.  The doc came in and had me do a few trial pushes to see if we could get that last little bit of cervix to move.  After about 3 pushes, I had done it.  They were ready to move me to the O.R. room. (with twins they have to deliver you in an O.R. room in case of the need for an emergency section.) 

There were so many people in the room, waiting for these babies!  They had me start pushing, and after about 3-4 big pushes, and few little ones, Parker was born!  They laid him on my chest, and all I can remember thinking, was how incredibly amazing he was!  So little, and so perfect.  Stretching his little hand out, waiting for me to hold onto it!  After Parker was born, I had to do a few trial pushes to get Jackson down to the birth canal.  After that it was the same deal as with Parker, 3-4 pushes, and then a few little ones to finish the job.  When Jackson came out and they laid him on my chest, I was in such shock that I just gave birth to a second baby, 7 minutes after the first one!  What an amazing journey it was.  I was so nervous about having twins, and now I can say that it was the coolest thing ever! After I got to hold both of my babies together, I just cried.  How could one person possibly grow TWO completely perfect human being at the same time in their body? I am still in shock about the whole thing, but I am so in love with my two precious, perfect, baby boys!  My family is now complete. I have a wonderful husband who loves me and all his children, and I have 4 amazing kids!  I would never want anything to change!!

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