Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lovin the Chicken Life!

So far so good with the chickens!  We started out with 12...and well, we added a few 11 more!  23 in total, and Im sure we will have eggs coming out of our ears once these gals start laying!  We finished to coop and out door run completely, so everything is ready for our girls once they get big enough to go outside.  The kids just love them, and Skyler has pretty much memorized the name of each breed that we have.  Black Australorp, Barred Rock, Production Rhode Island Red's, (RIR) Golden Laced Wyandotte, Buff Orpington, Silkies, Golden Sexlink and Silver Wyandotte.  (He seriously knows 5 out of the 8!)
I have found the best website in the is everything chicken!  If you have chickens, or want chickens, check it out, cause it it a life saving resource! if you cant find the answer you are looking for, someone (or 10 people) will answer it for you a discussion forum, designed to cater to whatever question you may have!  And you get advice from seasoned veterans!  Obviously, I am a total advocate for their site...because it is awesome!
Aside from all that rambling, here are some pics of the coop, (I still need to take pictures of the coop completely finished) and some newer pics of the chicks!  They grow so fast, I am amazed!  Only a few more weeks and they will be outside, and a few more months and we will be gettin some super fresh eggs!  I just cant wait for my first fresher than ever breakfast!

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