Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New Beginnings

      Today, Tom called his old boss (Larry Hellesto) and spoke to him about possibly coming back to work for him. Larry told him that he needed to take care of a few things, and that he would be in touch.  If Larry takes Tom back, then we will deffinatly be moving back down to Corvallis.  In my heart, that is where I have wanted to be all along.  In the last week, I have just re-connected with my sister, with whom I recently had a falling out.  I am thrilled to be talking to her again (Tiff I love you!!) I will be close to my mom, and the kiddos will be able to see her, and of course be able to visit with Toms parents as well. (more often that is.)
      I truly believe that this is what God has wanted us to do all along. We have been unable to find a church up here that we REALLY feel connected to, and Cavary Chapel is our home.  I miss it so much, and the wonderful people that are a part of the body.  I want to be able to form real relationships with the people there. Not just a 'hi' and a 'hello' on Sunday, but accually connecting with people.  It is so important to have friends in Christ, that you can fellowship with and be growing together.  Its also great to have people that can hold you accountable as well.  When we were attending Calvary before, I feel like maybe Tom and I didn't really put ourselves out there enough, and weren't willing to let people in our lives, and maybe that was part of reason why we wanted to move, to run away from it.   We figured that we didn't have real friends, nobody really cared about us, so why not, nobody will miss us.  Well our way of thinking like that is over.  We are puttin' ourselves out there, and you if don't like us, too bad!!! LOL. I'm just kidding!
      I'm really excited to be moving back down there.  Please be praying that Larry will be able to take Tom back, and that we can find a decent place.  I cant wait to be near all of you!  I love you guys, and I will be seeing y'all very soon!!!

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