Monday, January 24, 2011

Busy Day

 Yesterday was a pretty fun day.  My wonderful husband decided to suprise our family with an afternoon at the coast.  We drove over there, just for a few hours.  We had lunch at Moe's, (I had the Slumgullion...MMMMMMM yumm-o!) Then took Sky to Aunt Belindas Candy shop.  He was sooooo overwhelmed by all the candy, but we made out of there without a temper-tantrum!  Praise God!  It was a very sweet afternoon with my family!
Later on in the evening, Skyler had done some serious damage to the top of the dining room table.  So Tom, decided to jet strait over to Home Depot, buy a sander, and some wood stain.( Now he had an exscuse to buy a new tool!) 
Well the project started....IN MY DINING ROOM!  Im talkin wood shavings EVERYWHERE!  It took about one hour to sand down the table.  Now, if you can imagine, sanding, for one hour, in a 630 sq. ft. apartment.  The dust was unbearable.  I was not the least bit pleased.  Now, after that was finished, he continued to stain the table.  Stain was flying everywhere, Skyler was running around like a wild animal, and I was furious.
We got through the project..only because of Gods Grace....and you know what?  The table almost looks better than before, and Tom was so sweet in appologizing to me this morning for making our evening last night so chaotic.  I love him.I am still learning that Tom is a unique person, and that he has unique way of doing things. We were deffinatly created spefically for each other!

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