Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Good Times Now, and to Come

Lately things have been going so well.  Tom is working like crazy, praise the LORD, and we are goin to be moving in a week and a half, to Lebabnon.  We found a 3 bedroom house out there, and it is about 700-800 sq. ft. bigger than our current residence.  Usually when Tom and I move, we want to do it right away, and we do.  This time it is a little different.  We thought we were getting the keys last weekend, turns out the place wasn't ready yet, so the landlord said that we can get the keys on the 28th.  I know that God is trying to teach us patience through this, which is something we really need to learn.
Speaking of learning, I have started an amazing bible study by Priscilla Shirer.  It's on the book of Jonah, which most of all know the part of the story about the whale, but in this study, Priscilla is teaching us that there is soooo much more to the story than the whale.  It is about God interviening in our lives.  We look at it as an 'interuption', but really, when it's God, it is really a Divine Intervention.  I can specifically think of one time in my life where I thought my life was being interupted in a way I never thought possible.  Almost three years ago, when I left Tom, and he was arrested for selling drugs, and I was arrested (first time in my life,) and our oldest son Skyler was taken from me and put in a foster home.  My life fell apart.  How could this happen to me?  Why was my life being destroyed?  Little did I know, and come to think of it, I just figured it out....It was a Divine Intervention.  God had interviened in my life because of the path that I was going down.  There was no way on this earth that I would have ever acredited these events to God's inner-workings.  At first I didnt even want to think of God, (I had not been saved yet) and then, after some time,I realized that I had been wasting my life.  A life without God is a waste.  At the time though, I didnt care, and the thought of even going to church was just revolting.  After much resistence, Tom had convinced me to go to church, and the first two weeks were torture.  I said I am never going back ever again, (although I had already been twice) and wouldn't you know it, I went back for a third week.  Pastor Rob Verdine was talking about falling away from the LORD, and how it isn't too late to ask Him to take you back.  I thought to myself, 'I needed to hear this, this was meant for me.'  So when he asked for anyone who wanted to accept Christ into their hearts, to just lift up their hand, and would pray for you...I raised my hand.  I asked the LORD to forgive me for turning my back on Him, for being this shell of a person that I had become, to take me back and love me.  I aknoledged Jesus Christ as my LORD and Savior.  Right then I knew that it was alright for once.
Tom and I had regained legal custody of our son, and have hit LOTS  of speed-bumps along the way, but through it all, I know that God is there, and He has a purpose for these things.  Maybe someday Tom and I will be a part of ministry, maybe God will present us with many opportunities to share our testimonies to people who are where we were only three short years ago.  My whole point of sharing this is that God had Divinely Interviened for a greater purpose.  Something that will allow us to make a mark on this world, and in our lives and hopefully the lives of others.
I pray that if you do not know the LORD Jesus Christ as your Savior, or are struggling with your faith, or are just hurting, maybe God is 'interupting' your life, know that He does it because He loves you, and He has a greater purpose for you.
Heavnly Father, I want to ask you to comfort those who need your presence.  Meet them LORD, let them know that you are near to them and that you love them.  You are a merciful God, who knows what we need when we need it.  Lift us up Father, teach us to be strong and to lean on you.  Help us to see you LORD.  Show us how to be submissive to you and to what you are doing in our lives.  We love you Father.  Guide us and give us hope.  We pray these things in your Holy and precious name, Amen.

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